Opening Hours: Munday to Saturday

Electrical Installations Services

NIRK Services Ltd provides top-tier electrical installation services for every stage of construction across Mauritius. Our team possesses the skills, knowledge, and experience necessary to deliver quality craftsmanship in a timely manner. Whether you’re constructing a new residential or commercial building, need electrical maintenance, or require repair and restoration of existing facilities, you can count on us to get the job done right and safely. We are proficient in handling both single-phase and three-phase electrical networks.

Comprehensive Electrical Services

  • New Construction: We offer comprehensive electrical installation services for new residential and commercial buildings. From planning to execution, our experts ensure all electrical systems are installed to the highest standards.
  • Maintenance and Repair: Regular electrical maintenance and prompt repairs are crucial for the safety and functionality of your facilities. Our team is equipped to handle all maintenance and repair needs efficiently, ensuring minimal downtime.
  • Restoration: For existing facilities that require electrical restoration, we provide meticulous services to bring your systems up to code and improve their performance.

Competitive Pricing on Electrical Fittings

Thanks to our strong partnerships with suppliers, we provide all necessary electrical fittings at extremely competitive prices. By contracting NIRK Services Ltd for all your electrical works, you ensure a professional, fast, and efficient service that saves you both time and money.

Get in Touch!

We are just a call away. Feel free to contact us for a quote; our friendly staff are always available to provide you with any information you might need. Choose NIRK Services Ltd for reliable and high-quality electrical installation services.

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